About the Service


Surgical dentistry

Surgical dentistry is a branch of dentistry that deals with the treatment and prevention of oral diseases by surgical methods. Into competence specialists in this profile include removal of teeth, tumors, cysts, treatment of pathologies jaws, sinuses, jaw joints, soft tissues of the oral cavity and more.

One of the key areas of surgical dentistry is implantology.

WITH using modern technologies and materials, dental surgeons are able to replace lost teeth with high-quality dentures. In addition, surgical dentistry deals with complex orthodontic problems.

Operations by bite correction allows patients not only to improve their appearance, but also prevent the development of problems with chewing function and jaw joints.

This the direction of medicine allows you to maintain the health and beauty of the oral cavity, as well as

correct birth defects.

What is the difference between a dentist and a dental surgeon and for what diseases

contact him?

In addition to a bachelor's degree in dentistry, a dental surgeon received an additional qualification in surgery.

A dental surgeon can also perform standard dental procedures, but with additional knowledge, specializes for more complex pathologies that are treated surgically and require surgical interventions.

We list the most common problems that will require contacting this doctor.

1. The need to remove abnormally located or damaged teeth.

A dental surgeon can perform an extraction of a tooth that cannot be removed

using standard methods due to difficult position, damage or other reasons.

2. Implantation. Such a doctor can restore lost or severely damaged teeth using crowns or implants.

3. The need for reconstructive operations of the facial area to eliminate

consequences of injuries or birth defects.

4. Treatment, as well as removal of cysts and tumors.

5. Orthodontic problems. A dental surgeon can perform orthodontic procedures to correct bites and straighten teeth.

6. Complications after tooth extractions. In case of complications after tooth extraction, such

such as alveolitis (inflammation of bone tissue), a dental surgeon can perform necessary treatment.

7. Preparation for prosthetics. A dental surgeon can carry out preliminary

surgical procedures necessary for the successful installation of dentures or implants.

How does a consultation with a dental surgeon proceed?

Typically, any consultation includes the following steps:

- Anamnesis collection. Using a survey, the doctor collects information about the patient's medical history,

his lifestyle, complaints, previous diseases, allergies.

- Examination of the face. The doctor visually assesses the color of the external integument, symmetry,

bite, swelling.

- Examination of the oral cavity. The examination includes an assessment of the condition of the mucous membranes

and studying the problem area.

- The doctor may prescribe additional examinations to accurately determine


The doctor develops an individual treatment plan after making an accurate diagnosis.

How to prepare for an appointment with a dental surgeon?

Preparing in advance will make the consultation more effective and enjoyable.

Here some tips:

1. Since the doctor will collect information about your condition, you can

formulate your complaints, status information and questions.

2. Don’t forget your medical documents and past examination results,

that are related to your illness.

3. Before going to the doctor, take care of your oral hygiene.

4. It is recommended to eat before visiting the doctor. After some surgical

procedures it is forbidden to eat for several hours.