Dental health starts with proper nutrition


Dental health starts with proper nutrition

We all know that proper nutrition is important for our overall health. But few we think about how our diet affects the condition of our teeth. Turns out, proper nutrition not only keeps our body in good shape, but also provides the health of our teeth.

Vitamins and minerals: The basis of dental health a diet rich in calcium, phosphorus and B vitamins, especially vitamin D, will play an important role in maintaining strong teeth. Calcium and phosphorus not only build bone tissue, but also strengthen tooth enamel, preventing its destruction. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus for optimal health teeth.

Limit your intake of sugar and acidic foods: Sugar and acidic foods are the main enemies of teeth. Sugar creates an environment in which bacteria multiply, producing acid that destroys enamel. Acidic foods such as citrus fruits can also wear down enamel. It is recommended to limit consumption of these products and monitor oral hygiene after consuming them.

Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet։ Fresh fruits and vegetables contain the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants you need to maintain healthy gums and strengthen tooth enamel. They also help stimulate the production of saliva, which naturally protects the teeth.

Drinking water plays a key role։ In eliminating food debris and maintaining correct level of saliva secretion. This in turn helps in preventing dental plaque and caries.

Regular visits to the dentist: But it's not just nutrition that matters. Regular visits to the dentist for preventive examinations and cleanings, as well as those necessary to maintain health teeth. So, remember that your diet directly affects the health of your teeth. A proper diet that combines all the necessary vitamins and minerals, helps you maintain strong, healthy smiles for a lifetime.