How and why to clean your tongue?


How and why to clean your tongue?

Irregular tongue hygiene can lead to diseases and health problems such as cardiovascular diseases, tooth decay, pneumonia, infertility, osteoporosis, digestive system problems, etc. That is why dentists at the "Kamar" Dental Center recommend pays serious attention to linguistic hygiene, turning it into a habit. 

The tongue should be brushed in the same way as your teeth. Clean it by applying some toothpaste to your toothbrush. Some people may find this unpleasant at first, so start from the tip of the tongue and then move to the middle and back of the tongue. A healthy tongue should be light pink in color. If you brush your tongue every day, you can prevent several serious diseases. You will also begin to sense tastes better and your breath will always be fresh.

 By maintaining good tongue hygiene, you can also help prevent dental problems since the tongue is directly related to the teeth...