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SMAS lifting

SMAS-lifting: Youth without surgery. Face lifting without surgical intervention with the world's first linear devices ULTRAcellQ+ and morpheus 8 devices.

As we age, many of us begin to think about methods of maintaining young and beautiful skin. One of the modern and effective methods of rejuvenation is SMAS lifting. This procedural method can significantly improve the condition of the skin and restore its elasticity without surgical intervention.

What is SMAS lifting?

SMAS lifting, or the middle aponeurotic system lifiting is an innovative rejuvenation technique that allows you to tighten the skin and improve the shape of the face without surgical intervention. This method is based on working with facial aponeurosis – a dense connective tissue that improves the overall condition of facial muscles and skin.

The procedure is carried out using a special device that delivers ultrasonic waves into the deep layers of the skin. These waves activate natural regeneration processes, helping to reduce collagen fibers and strengthen muscles. Thus, the skin becomes more elastic, and the oval of the face is tightened.

Benefits of SMAS lifting

1. Non-surgical. One of the main advantages of SMAS lifting is that it is non-invasive. The procedure is performed without incisions or stitches, which significantly reduces the recovery period and the risk of complications.

2. Minimal discomfort. During the SMAS lifting process, the patient may feel a slight tingling and warmth, but these sensations are extremely mild and short-lived.

3. Natural result. The effect of SMAS lifting becomes noticeable as the skin regenerates. Patients note an increase in elasticity, a reduction in wrinkles and overall facial rejuvenation.

4. No swelling or bruising. Unlike surgical lifting, SMAS lifting is practically not accompanied by swelling and bruising, which allows the patient to return to daily activities almost immediately after the procedure.

Indications for SMAS lifting

SMAS lifting can be recommended for patients with signs of aging of the skin of the face and neck, such as:

• Ptosis (drooping) of tissues in the lower third of the face.

• Expressed wrinkles and folds.

• Loss of skin firmness and elasticity.

• Oval face that has lost its clear contours.

• Double chin.

SMAS lifting can also be recommended to prevent signs of skin aging at a younger age.